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Army Command Sergeant Major

E-9 Noncommissioned Officer, U.S. Army
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Rank badge of a Command Sergeant Major E-9 Command Sergeant Major - U.S. Army Ranks

Army Command Sergeant Major
Army E-9 Command Sergeant Major Army Military Ranks
Class Noncommissioned Officer
Abbr. CSM
Title Command Sergeant Major (last name)
Paygrade E-9 (DoD Paygrade)
OR-9 (NATO Code)
Basic Pay $6,371/mo

Sergeant Major is the highest enlisted rank in the Army, and the base rank required for the leadership position of Command Sergeant Major. A Sergeant Major assists Officers in a battalion-sized force of 300 to 1,000 soldiers, and leads soldiers and junior officers placed directly under his command. A Sergeant Major may also serve as the senior non-commissioned officer at a battallion-sized headquarters unit.

Command Sergeant Major is the 12th rank in the United States Army , ranking above Sergeant Major and directly below Sergeant Major of the Army. A command sergeant major is a Noncommissioned Officer at DoD paygrade E-9, with a starting monthly pay of $6,371.

How do you become a Command Sergeant Major?

A Command Sergeant Major is most often promoted from Sergeant Major (SGM), although promotion from lower paygrades may occur with sufficient display of leadership and experience.

Command Sergeants Major share promotion requirements with Sergeants Major—in much the same way that Master Sergeants and First Sergeants do—as they hold the same grade.

Command Sergeants Major receive their rank after receiving promotion to the rank of Sergeant Major and serving for some time in that capacity.

Once doing so, they are identified as prepared for the increased duties and responsibilities of a Command Sergeant Major and are laterally promoted to this rank from the equivalent grade of Sergeant Major.

What is the proper way to address a Command Sergeant Major?

The correct way to address a Command Sergeant Major named Mr. Gutierrez is "Command Sergeant Major Gutierrez", or written as CSM Gutierrez. In formal situations, a Command Sergeant Major should always be addressed by their full rank.

How much does a Command Sergeant Major earn?

Basic pay for an entry-level Command Sergeant Major with Over 10 years of experience is $6,370.50 per month.

A Command Sergeant Major receives an automatic raise to their basic pay every one to two years. Basic pay is only a small percentage of a Command Sergeant Major's final compensation package.

In addition to a monthly basic pay salary, a Army Command Sergeant Major may be eligible for multiple types of allowances and bonus pay including hazard pay, personal money allowance, clothing allowance, and more.

For full details on the Army's Command Sergeant Major compensation and retirement plan, visit the 2025 Army Command Sergeant Major Pay Chart. A full table of the Army's current paygrades are available at the Army Pay Chart.

Military Occupational Specialties for Army's E-9 Command Sergeant Major

Combat Medic Specialist

  • Active/Reserve:Both
  • Officer/Enlisted:Enlisted
  • Restrictions:None
Bridge Crewmember

  • Active/Reserve:Both
  • Officer/Enlisted:Enlisted
  • Restrictions:None
Public Affairs Specialist

  • Active/Reserve:Both
  • Officer/Enlisted:Enlisted
  • Restrictions:None
Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer

  • Active/Reserve:Both
  • Officer/Enlisted:Enlisted
  • Restrictions:None
Prime Power Production Specialist

  • Active/Reserve:Both
  • Officer/Enlisted:Enlisted
  • Restrictions:None

To learn more about Military Occupational Specialties, see our complete list of MOS job titles.

Patch of a Command Sergeant Major Equivalent Ranks to the Army's E-9 Command Sergeant Major

To learn more about the Army's rank structure, see our complete list of Army ranks.

The Government civilian-employee equivalent of a Command Sergeant Major is paid under the General Schedule payscale. For more details, see this Army rank to GS grade conversion table .

To see a list of military medals and decorations that can be earned by servicemembers in the Army and other branches of the military, see our list of military decorations and medals.